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Iraqi Resistance vows to raise ante against US interests if Lebanon attacked

Members of the Iraqi Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba anti-terror resistance groups are seen during a military parade in Baghdad, Iraq. (File photo)

The Iraqi Resistance Coordination Committee (IRCC) has vowed to raise the ante and target US interests in the Arab country and elsewhere in West Asia should Israel decide to launch a military aggression against Lebanon.

The coordination committee of the umbrella group of anti-terror fighters announced in a statement that the scope and extent of Iraqi operations will extend in case the Zionist regime opts to carry out its attacks and conducts a wide-scale attack against Lebanon.

“Should Israel commit such a military assault, US interests in Iraq and elsewhere in the region will become legitimate targets for resistance forces [to be struck],” the statement read.

“In the wake of ongoing massacres in Palestine, decisive positions should be taken against the Arab countries that compromise with the Zionist regime,” it stated.

The committee also took a swipe at the Basra-Aqaba pipeline project, which is almost 2,000 kilometers long, and would start at the southern Iraqi city of Basra and transport one million barrels per day (bpd) to the Jordanian port of Aqaba.

“The pipeline would be the starting point for involving Iraq in a scheme that paves the way for normalization of relations with the occupying Zionist entity,” it said.

Last week, the secretary general of Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq resistance group warned Israel against waging a new war on Lebanon, emphasizing that the strategic interests of its main ally, the United States, in West Asia will be targeted in such a case.

“If America continues to support the usurping Israeli regime, and the Zionist enemy expands its assaults on Lebanon and Hezbollah, Washington’s interests in the region and Iraq will be in jeopardy,” Qais al-Khazali said.

The Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq chief stated that the occupying Israeli regime and its extremist right-wing administration led by prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not be of any benefit to the United States, apparently questioning Washington’s full-fledged support for the Tel Aviv regime.

Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging deadly fire since early October last year, shortly after the regime launched a genocidal aggression against the Gaza Strip following a surprise operation by the Palestinian Hamas resistance group.

The Lebanese resistance movement has vowed to keep up its retaliatory attacks as long as the Tel Aviv regime continues its Gaza war, which has so far killed at least 37,765 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 86,429 others.

Hezbollah officials have repeatedly said they do not want a war with Israel but if it happens they are ready.

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