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Saudi Arabia warns of 'dire consequences' of Israel's new settlement plans in West Bank

This picture taken on June 28, 2024 shows the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim in the occupied West Bank on the outskirts of al-Quds. (Photo by AFP)

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry has warned of the "dire consequences" of Israel’s plan to expand illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

In a statement on Saturday, the ministry slammed the Israeli regime’s decision to legitimize five new outposts in the West Bank.

Saudi Arabia opposes the "ongoing Israeli violations of international law and international legitimacy resolutions," it added.

"These violations undermine opportunities for peace and contribute to fueling conflicts and destabilizing regional and international security and stability," the statement read.

On Thursday, Israel’s extremist finance minister Bezalel Smotrich announced that the Security Cabinet authorized one outpost for every country that unilaterally recognized Palestine as a state in the last month.

Last month, Spain, Ireland and Norway formally recognized the Palestinian state, joining over 140 UN member states that have recognized its statehood over the past four decades.

Slovenia and Malta have also indicated they plan to formally recognize the state of Palestine.

The five settlement outposts are Evyatar, Givat Assaf, Sde Efraim, Heletz, and Adorayim.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation in a statement on Saturday condemned Israel’s new settlement expansion plan in the West Bank.

It said all actions and decisions taken by Israel as the occupying power to perpetuate its colonial regime in the occupied Palestinian territory are null and void under international law and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, especially UN Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016).

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