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Lebanon calls for Israel’s withdrawal from its occupied south

Lebanon says a solution for the Gaza conflict must include Israel’s withdrawal from its occupied south.

Lebanon has once again called for the withdrawal of Israel from its occupied southern regions amid efforts aimed at reaching a ceasefire in Palestine’s Gaza where Israel’s aggression has left nearly 36,400 people dead.

Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry said in a Saturday statement that the country welcomes US President Joe Biden’s new proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza but reiterated that any attempt to restore tranquility to Lebanon’s borders with the Israeli-occupied Palestine must include the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.

The Resolution, adopted in August 2006, sought to end a 33-day war between Israel and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah. It called for the withdrawal of Israel from Shebaa Farms and Kfarchouba Heights in southern Lebanon while calling on the regime to stop violating Lebanon’s air, land and sea borders

That comes as Hezbollah and Israel have been trading fire since the start of Israel’s aggression on Gaza in early October.

Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon have killed hundreds of civilians and Hezbollah fighters while Hezbollah attacks have mostly targeted Israel’s military and espionage bases in north of the occupied Palestinians lands.

Biden announced on Friday that he had submitted a ceasefire proposal to both Israel and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas while expressing hope that the two sides would agree to a deal.

Washington has been Israel’s main supporter in the Gaza war as it has supplied various types of weapons to the regime while at the same time preventing international efforts aimed at forcing an end to the onslaught on the Palestinian territory.

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