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'We are waiting for you': Hezbollah MP scoffs at Israeli threats, vows decisive response

Mohammad Raad, head of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc in the Lebanese parliament (photo by Lebanon’s al-Ahed news website)

A Lebanese lawmaker from the political wing of the Hezbollah resistance movement has dismissed the Israeli military’s threats against the Arab nation, warning the occupying regime of the group’s decisive and resolute response to any act of aggression.

Mohammad Raad, head of Hezbollah’s Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc in the parliament, stated on Sunday that the Israeli regime has failed to achieve any of its stated goals after more than 230 days of a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

“A number of Israeli officials have threatened war on Lebanon. We are addressing them that we are fully aware of their potentials, and know very well what situation they are in. We are waiting for you!” he noted.

Raad went on to say that whoever in Lebanon bets on reconciliation or normalization with the Israeli enemy is simply beating the air, and is giving the regime an opportunity to gradually bring the country under its total control.

“We feel fairly proud to be standing up against the Zionist enemy and confronting its assaults. Whatever measure we implement is for God’s sake… The enemy will find it easy to attain its goals and move up to the next level if no concrete step is taken to stop its atrocities. Failure to do so could make us the next victim,” the senior Lebanese legislator stated.

Raad underscored that Hezbollah stands in solidarity with oppressed Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and will spare no effort to exhaust the Israeli military’s capabilities and thwart its scenarios.

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Israel launched the war on Gaza on October 7 after Palestinian resistance groups carried out a surprise retaliatory operation into the occupied territories.

Concomitantly with the war, the regime has been enforcing a near-total siege on the coastal territory, which has reduced the flow of foodstuffs, medicine, electricity, and water into the Palestinian territory into a trickle.

The Israeli war has killed at least 35,984 people, most of them women, children, and adolescents. Another 80,643 Palestinians have sustained injuries as well.

The Israeli military has also been carrying out attacks against the Lebanese territory since then, prompting retaliatory strikes from Hezbollah in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The movement has vowed to keep up its retaliatory operations as long as the Tel Aviv regime continues its onslaught on Gaza.

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