Palestinian statehood boost

A tragic twist of fate for the Islamic Republic of Iran. The country's President Ebrahim Raeisi and senior dignitaries, including his foreign minister, were killed in a helicopter crash. What will that mean for the anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist axis of resistance and Iran's support for the Palestinian cause? 

A triumph for truth and justice: Three European countries will formally enact recognition of Palestine on May 28. The Israeli regime warns of consequences, but is this bluster no longer holding water? 

Has Tel Aviv overplayed its hand and now is reaping the negative international blowback? The International Criminal Court's top prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and war minister Yoav Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity. What does that mean for the devastating war on Gaza? And how does the international legal pressure on Israel impact the realities on the ground?

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