Press TV's news headlines

President Raeisi funeral 

Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi has been laid to rest in the mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eight Shia Imam in the holy city of Mashhad. Millions of mourners thronged the streets of the northeastern Iranian city to bid farewell to the president who lost his life along with several companions in a tragic copter crash. A funeral ceremony was also held for Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Tribute to martyred president 

Heads of state and senior officials from scores of countries across the world have paid tribute to President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions, who lost their lives in a tragic helicopter crash on Sunday. High-ranking dignitaries from at least 60 countries participated in the ceremony, which was held in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

US-Israeli genocide in Gaza 

Fresh Israeli airstrikes on three separate regions in the Gaza Strip have left dozens of Palestinians dead. Israeli warplanes targeted a refugee camp in the Al-Zaytun neighborhood in Gaza City, killing 16 Palestinians including 10 children.

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