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Lebanon’s Hezbollah launches new rocket barrage at Israeli-occupied Golan

A picture taken from the southern Lebanese village of Alma al-Shaab shows smoke rising from an Israeli outpost after a rocket attack by Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement fighters on April 6, 2024. (Photo by AFP)

Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has fired a fresh barrage of rockets toward Israeli bases in the occupied Golan Heights early on Sunday.

Hezbollah said in a statement that it had targeted Israeli bases of Nafah, Yarden, and Kila in the occupied Golan.

No casualties were reported, according to Israeli and Lebanese media.

Israel’s Kan TV news reported that around 30 rockets were fired at a military camp near the Israeli settlement of Katzrin in the Golan.

Sirens were triggered in several communities nearby.

Hezbollah said the attack was a response to recent Israeli attacks on southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese resistance group has regularly traded cross-border fire with Israel since the start of the occupying regime’s genocidal war on Gaza on October 7.

Earlier on Saturday, Hezbollah rockets triggered sirens in multiple communities across Upper Galilee in northern part of the Israeli-occupied territories and the occupied Golan Heights.

Hezbollah has said it will stop its attacks on Israel after a ceasefire is reached in Gaza, where the Israeli military’s war has killed more than 33,600 Palestinians.

The strikes are also in retaliation for the Israeli aggression on towns and villages in southern Lebanon, which has killed at least 349 people, including 68 civilians.

The fighting has forced the evacuation of tens of thousands from the northern part of the occupied territories, amid rocket fire and shelling carried out by Hezbollah and allied Palestinian groups.

The tit-for-tat, near-daily attacks have largely remained confined to border regions so far, but their frequency and intensity have raised fears of a wider conflict.

The latest Hezbollah attack came after an unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel in retaliation for an air strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1 that killed seven members of its armed forces including two generals.

The retaliatory missile and drone strikes were launched on Saturday night after two weeks of strategic patience and meticulous planning and execution.

The operation was accompanied by simultaneous drone and missile strikes by the Axis of Resistance groups from Iraq, Yemen, and Lebanon.

The main targets were the military bases of the Zionist regime, from the Golan Heights to the Negev desert that were used in the terrorist attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

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