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Israeli army says another soldier killed, 3 injured in war on Gaza

A photo by AFP shows Israeli troops on the ground in the besieged Gaza Strip.

One Israeli soldier has been killed and three more injured during the regime's ongoing genocidal war against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip. 

In a statement released on Sunday, the Israeli military said that the 23-year-old reservist was killed in the south of the coastal sliver over the weekend. Three other soldiers were injured in the besieged Palestinian territory. 

According to the regime, the latest fatality brings to at least 195 the number of Israeli troops killed on the ground in Gaza. However, Palestinian resistance movement Hamas says far more Israeli soldiers have been killed in fighting in Gaza.

Figures released by the Israeli army showed 531 soldiers have been killed since the outbreak of the war on Gaza on October 7.

Despite its deadly and destructive campaign in Gaza, Israel has so far failed to achieve its main goals in the onslaught, namely destroying Hamas and securing the release of its captives through military means.

Israel suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Palestinian nation and resistance as they managed to incapacitate the regime in its bloody war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

In an unexpected turn of events, Dan Halutz, former Israeli military chief last month hinted that Israel had lost the war against the Palestinian resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip.

War with Lebanon's Hezbollah would be ‘difficult’: Israeli general

Israeli Reserve Major-General Eyal Ben-Reuven in remarks to Israel’s Maariv newspaper said on Sunday that Israel’s political leadership should tell the public that the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah is stronger than Hamas and that a war with it would be “difficult”.

He also spoke about the possibility of starting a war against Lebanon.  

A US intelligence assessment earlier this month said that it would be difficult for Israel to succeed against the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah if the situation in the region escalated further.

The Israeli regime has over the past months carried out airstrikes on various locations in Lebanon and Syria as it attempts to expand hostilities against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip to other fronts.

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem over the weekend warned Israel against waging an all-out war on Lebanon. He said the regime should expect a “strong slap in the face” if it underestimates Hezbollah’s defensive capabilities.

Stressing that Hezbollah will continue its strikes against the Israeli-occupied territories as long as the Gaza campaign lingers on, the Hezbollah official said Israel was the enemy of Palestine, Lebanon, the Arab world and Muslims.

On the 107th day of the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza, the death toll has risen to more than 25,000, predominantly comprising women and children.

Israel’s aggression has also displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, which has been under near-total blockade since the beginning of the onslaught.

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