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Israeli politician calls for captured Palestinians to be ‘buried alive’

Palestinian men were rounded up and stripped by Israeli soldiers in the besieged Gaza Strip before being taken to an undisclosed location. (Photo from X)

An Israeli politician has called for burying alive hundreds of Palestinian civilians captured by Israeli forces during the occupying entity’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip.

In a post on X on Friday, Aryeh Yitzhak King, the deputy mayor of the occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem), called on the Israeli military to “bury alive” hundreds of Palestinian civilians captured in the war-torn Palestinian enclave.

In his post, which made specific reference to recently-published footage by the Israeli army showing captured Palestinians stripped to their underwear, King stressed that the army was eliminating what he called “Muslim Nazis” in Gaza, suggesting it needed to pick up the pace. 

The footage, confirmed by the Israeli military after it emerged on Thursday, shows the stripped Palestinian men sitting on the street somewhere in northern Gaza as they are watched over by several troops.

These Palestinians are thought to have been arrested in Beit Lahia, in the far north of the impoverished coastal sliver. Tel Aviv claims that these Palestinians were members of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

“If it were up to me, I would have dispatched D-9 bulldozers and put them behind the mounds of dirt and would have given the order to cover all these hundreds of ants, while they’re still alive,” King further said in his post, which has since been deleted for violating rules on X.

“They aren’t human beings and not human animals. They’re subhuman and that’s how they should be treated,” King further said, adding “Eradicate the memory of Amalek, and never forget.”

He used “Amalek” to refer to the arch-foe of Israelites in ancient times. The biblical reference has also been used by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meaning that every man, woman and child, and their livestock, belonging to this ancient enemy of the Jewish people must be eliminated.

“They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world. You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew in early November.

Israel waged the war on Gaza on October 7 after the Palestinian Hamas resistance group carried out the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in response to the Israeli regime’s atrocities against Palestinians.

More than 17,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children, and at least 46,000 others injured since the onset of the current US-backed war on Gaza.

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