Press TV's news headlines

Israeli atrocities 

Palestinians have held the funeral of 41-year-old Samir Aouni Harbi Aslan, who was killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank. Samir was shot dead during an overnight raid in the Qalandia refugee camp on Thursday. The resistance movement Hamas has said war on the Tel Aviv regime will continue until the liberation of all Palestinian lands. The killing comes just a day after an Israeli settler fatally shot a 19-year-old Palestinian near the city of al-Khalil, also known as Hebron. Also on Wednesday, Israeli troops shot another young Palestinian man in the head during a raid on the Balata refugee camp. The man later succumbed to injuries.

'Iran enemies miscalculations' 

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution says the enemies made miscalculations when hatching plots to fuel the recent riots and create disruption in the country. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the enemies tapped into all their available resources to plunge the country into chaos and turmoil. He said they cashed in on people’s livelihood issue as the country’s economic situation was not very good. The Leader added, among other techniques the enemies employed to stoke unrest were to sneak espionage teams into Iran, promote Iranophobia worldwide through various propaganda ploys and incite ethnic, religious, political and even personal sentiments. However, Ayatollah Khamenei noted, they failed to pull it off despite all their schemes because of their miscalculations and Iran’s firm resolve. Ayatollah Khamenei made comments in a meeting with eulogists.

Russia-Ukraine war 

Fighting rages on in the flashpoint town of Soledar in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region as Kiev says its forces are battling to keep control of the town. The Ukrainian deputy defense minister said Russia had increased the number of units in Ukraine to 280 from 250 in the past week to boost the defensive clout. On Wednesday, Russia said its forces were making advances around the salt-mining town of Soledar. The Russian defense ministry said its troops had surrounded the town from the north and south while carrying out airstrikes targeting Ukrainian positions. Ukrainian authorities claim the area is still out of the reach of Russian forces. Both sides have admitted to heavy losses during their fight for Soledar and the nearby town of Bakhmut. 

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