Saman Kojouri
Press TV, Tehran
“We Will Not Be Beaten”; This is the title of a newly-released documentary produced by Press TV. The documentary has been made based on 5,000 minutes of footage and documents collected and released by the US media regarding domestic violence against women and the violation of women’s rights in the United States.“We Will not be Beaten” tells the documented story of the high rate of domestic violence and physical abuse against women in the US.
This documentary has been prepared in English and Persian languages.
According to official statistics, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines in the US every day. Moreover, 1 in every 3 women in the US experience rape and physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
Domestic violence against women has seen an alarming uptick in recent years in the United States, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. A report by the Council on Criminal Justice found that reports of domestic violence in the US have jumped by over 8 percent during the pandemic lockdown.
As Press TV documentary has shown the high rate of violence against women in the US has been recognized as a public health concern, with the US media contributing to making domestic violence appear unimportant to the public. Experts say, given such realities on the ground, the US cannot be a role model for women’s rights in the world.