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Anti-Defamation League attacks black movements, spies on organizations: Academic

A leading academic has shed light on the complicity of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with the pro-Zionist Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in attacking anti-racist black movements and making sure they have a blind spot on Palestine.

David Miller, a scholarly critic of Israeli aggression against Palestinians, made the comments on Press TV’s Palestine Declassified which was aired on Sunday, revealing the ADL's aggression against black and African American movements from past decades till the present day.

ADL has started to work “very closely” with the FBI since the 60s and has spied on a huge number of individuals and groups, Miller said, adding that “all this was done with the connivance of the FBI.”

In 1968, the FBI began officially collaborating with ADL, while the director of the government agency informed all branches to directly cooperate with their regional leaders of the lobby group. This was of course simultaneous to the FBI’s war against the black community, known as Cointelpro. Today, the ADL is the largest non-governmental trainer of law enforcement in the US, and it is closer to the FBI than ever.

Citing attacks led by Zionist groups practically against all black leaders or prominent figures of note, Miller said they are “emblematic of the way in which the ADL and other Zionist organizations in the US targeted anyone who stood up for black civil rights or who argued against racism.”

Established in 1913, ADL is the key organization to all of these attacks. Previously, a full panoply of black reformist and revolutionary leaders were denounced by the ADL as “extremist” and “Jew-baiting.”

Since the 1930s, ADL has spied on black critics of racism and directly collaborated with the FBI and other organs of the state to attack them.

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Miller went on to explain that ADL has spied on the leaders of black anti-racism organizations in the US to see if these organizations could be penetrated and mobilized toward their interests.

“They wanted to penetrate those organizations to make sure they had a blind spot on Palestine, and where they could not do that they were denounced as anti-Semitic,” he said.

The Zionist organization is trying to infiltrate anti-racist organizations so that they won’t criticize Israel or stand up for Palestinian rights and if they won’t do that then everything is fine, he added.

In this regard, the ADL has denounced Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, the Black Panther Party, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, and the singer Miriam Makeba. Hitherto, the ADL has continued denouncing 'Black Lives Matter'.

“From a very early age, [ADL] actually was pursuing the foreign policy interests of Israel, as opposed to pursuing what they were supposed to be pursuing, which is alleged anti-Semitism,” Miller added.

He further depicted ADL as an “extremist organization” itself, as there has never been any case in which the pro-Zionist group ever denounced any extremist Jewish organization.

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Meanwhile, Jared Ball, a professor of communication studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, also said that the ADL is designed as “a Zionist-imperialist, pro-capitalist, white supremacist, and settler-colonial organization.”

“The ADL exists to play the role among a certain class and ideology of Jews initially and Zionist more broadly, to limit the discussion, even among the Jewish community to make sure that radicalism does not go too far, or get too much of a platform even among Jews,” Ball said.

Therefore, Ball said, “ADL has used the anti-Semitic trope and fear of the rise of a new black anti-Semitism for decades now, to target, in this case, all forms of the black left to make sure that those politics remain equally narrow.”

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In 1993, it was found that ADL had spied on at least 10,000 activists in 700 organizations across 7 US cities.

The ADL even spied on anti-Apartheid activists in the US and sold its intelligence to BOSS, the intelligence agency of the South African Apartheid regime, as well as providing information to Mossad.

For the ADL, the black-led anti-racist movement pose a bigger threat to “Jewish” interests than the far right and white supremacists.

When Zionists complain about “black anti-Semitism,” they are really complaining about uppity black people, especially those who are critical of Israel and Zionism.

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