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UK in crisis: People worried over their future as PM Truss resigns

Robert Carter
Press TV, London

Britain has been thrown into another leadership crisis after outgoing PM Liz Truss announced her resignation after just 44 days in office. Her departure makes Truss the shortest serving UK PM in British history. And the fourth Tory PM to head the troubled nation in just four years.

So now eyes turn towards who her successor will be. The ruling Conservative Party have chosen to ignore opposition calls for a general election.

The next PM is expected to be elected via another internal leadership race within the space of just one week. Speculation suggests that past leadership contenders, Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt, both have their eye on the top job. While current Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has ruled himself out of the race. Former PM Boris Johnson has stunned many with rumors he may attempt a return.

Truss' allies claim she stood aside graciously. However, critics believe she should be held accountable for her self-admitted "mistakes".

Things are expected to move fast. With Tory MPs putting their nominations in by Monday, an election concluded by Friday 28th with a new PM in place by the end of October. However, it will take much more than a speedy election process to restore confidence.

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