Rahmatullah Baghban
Press TV, Kabul
The China Global Television Network and Chinese Public Opinion Institute have conducted a survey in Afghanistan and 24 global countries to assess the 20-year American war on Afghanistan.
At the beginning of its presence in Afghanistan, the US made a commitment to "build a stable, strong and prosperous Afghanistan," claiming it would establish democracy, fight against terrorism and rebuild the nation.
Nearly 79 percent of the Afghan respondents polled said the US did not keep its promise while 80 percent termed the US war in their country a "complete failure.”
During the war, Afghanistan faced severe challenges with regards to security, economy and people's livelihoods. Some 56.6 percent of Afghan respondents said the US left the Afghan economy worse than it was in 2001. Yet 80 percent of global respondents believe that the causes of local terrorism still exist in the war-ravaged country.
Meanwhile, 68 percent of the respondents said the war in Afghanistan has caused the US to continue to lose its credibility with the international community. Some 65 percent of those surveyed in Afghanistan said they believe neighboring countries, including Iran, Pakistan and China, play a key role in the rebuilding of the war-battered nation.
As many as 70 percent of global respondents described Washington’s seizing Afghanistan’s assets as pure looting. They called on the US to return Afghans money.