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Afghan man speaks out year after losing 2 sons during US withdrawal

Abdullah Amirzada
Press TV, Kabul

It has been a year since the US’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover of the country.

During the pullout, thousands of Afghans flocked to airports in hope of leaving the country along with the US forces. Zaki was one of them. As the Taliban encircled Kabul on August 15, hundreds of Afghans swarmed the runway of Hamid Karzai International Airport attempting to climb onto a US Air Force transport plane. Zakie made his way to the front and clambered onto the plane’s landing gear.

As it accelerated past 120 miles an hour, he held tight. His body was found after he plunged from the US military plane as it took off, one of the most tragic and indelible images in the final chapter of the US campaign in Afghanistan.

We spoke to Zakie’s father one year after his son’s death. It wasn't easy to convince him at first, but this is our mission to be the voice of the voiceless.

Zakie’s brother, Zabih also lost his life during the Taliban takeover. Many Afghans blame the US for the loss of innocent Afghan lives during Washington’s withdrawal.

The cemetery where Zakie is buried is so close to his house that his father always looks at it through the window of his house every day. We asked him to take us to the cemetery where Zakie's grave is located.

One year has passed since the US pulled its forces out of Afghanistan, ending almost two decades of the occupation of the country. Yet, no one has stood trial for the tragedy that happened during their withdrawal. There has been neither any compensation nor an apology that could at least calm those who lost their loved ones.

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