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Israeli atrocities

Tensions are simmering in the occupied Palestinian territories. Israeli forces have attacked Palestinian worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque during the fasting month of Ramadan.

More than 150 Palestinians were injured and another 400 arrested in the attack. Following the raid, thousands of Palestinians took to the streets in solidarity with the worshipers. Muslim nations have held solidarity rallies to slam Israeli troops’ incursion into al-Aqsa Mosque.

Officials from the resistance movement Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have condemned the attack pledging to defend the al-Aqsa Mosque at any price but the Israeli regime has intensified crackdown across the occupied West Bank, killing over a dozen Palestinians since April 10.

Palestinians have ramped up retaliatory attacks against Israeli forces in recent weeks, an indication Palestinians are determined to keep fighting against Israeli occupation and the normalization of ties between the Israeli regime and some Arab governments.

SPOTLIGHT tonight reviews latest developments in the occupied territories and reasons behind intensification of Israeli atrocities during the fasting month of Ramadan in interview with author and researcher Denijal Jegic from Beirut and Fra Hughes journalist, author and activist from Belfast.

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