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Islamic Republic views 9th of Dey rallies as 'public mandate'

Yusef Jalali
Press TV, Tehran

Senior Iranian military and state officials are here to commemorate a key day on the Iranian political calendar. That’s the anniversary of the nationwide pro-establishment rallies of 2009 on the ninth of the month of Dey.

On the day, which falls on December 30, millions of Iranians took to the streets in support of the Islamic Republic and in protest against months of unrest, over alleged irregularities in the presidential election held earlier that year.

The 2009 post-election unrest was triggered by claims of vote-rigging by two rivals of ex-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Mir-Hossein Musavi and Mahdi Karroubi claimed Ahmadinejad won the election by fraud, an allegation vehemently dismissed by authorities as baseless.The defeated candidates then called on their supporters to take to the streets and demand a new election.

The protests, which then led to deadly riots, came to an end after millions marched across the country.

Iran has blamed the US for engineering the 2009 post-election unrest. Officials say the plot failed thanks to people’s awareness. Officials have also repeatedly warned of Washington’s ill will and its consistent hostility toward the Islamic Republic, which they say has recently taken the form of economic pressure and sanctions.

Iran has observed the anniversary of the 9th of Day uprising, every year since 2010. The occasion is a reminder to enemies of Iran of how the nation stood united to foil the plots against the Islamic establishment, and how strongly people still support the political system, four decades after its inception.

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