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Deputy commander of anti-terror Karbala Operation killed in Iraq

ِDeputy Commander of Iraq's Karbala Operations Haider Hamoud al-Husseinawy

Iraqi sources say the deputy commander of the anti-terror Karbala Operation has been killed in an ambush in Iraq.

Iraqi media outlets reported that Haider Hamoud al-Husseinawy was assassinated on Monday while he was heading from his workplace in the town of al-Nukhib in Anbar Province to his home in Dhi Qar Province.

Baghdad Today cited a security source as saying that he was killed by “unknown” gunmen.

Meanwhile, Shafaq News said al-Husseinawy “died in mysterious circumstances.” No further details were immediately available.

The assassination was the second of its kind in the past few days.

On Thursday, Abdul-Zahra Nassir al-Maleki, a member of the Iraqi intelligence apparatus, was killed by unknown gunmen.

The assailants, who were riding a motorcycle, opened fire on al-Maleki’s car and fled to an unknown destination.

An Iraqi political alliance on Saturday warned of US plots to assassinate political and military figures in the country and pin the blame on resistance groups, after reports said the drones that recently targeted the Iraqi premier’s house took off from the American embassy in Baghdad.

“They know all Iraqi military and political officials; therefore, all of them are in danger,” Muhammad al-Baldawi, a member of the Fatah (Conquest) Alliance in the Iraqi parliament, said in an interview with al-Maloumah news agency, adding it is possible that the US military would target them and then accuse Iraqi groups, including the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) or Hashd al-Sha’abi, of being involved as they did in the botched attempt against the life of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi.

Kadhimi escaped unhurt from the unclaimed “assassination” attempt on November 7, in which at least two quadcopter drones armed with explosives targeted his home in the Green Zone.

The explosion blew doors off hinges and smashed concrete stairs on the outside of the building, wounding some of the premier’s security guards.

Al-Baldawi stressed that US forces are “the first and last culprit” in the recent drone attack on Kadhimi’s residence since Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, which houses foreign embassies and government offices, is protected by the US Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) systems, and American aircraft carry out constant spying and patrol flights over the capital.

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