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UK refuses Taliban recognition amid foreign policy criticism

Robert Carter

Press TV, London

The UK government came under immense fire today after MPs condemned the catastrophic British failures in Afghanistan.

During Wednesday’s parliamentary debate on the subject, Boris Johnson desperately attempted to convince MPs that Britain’s withdrawal wasn’t chaotic but with little success.

Before the debate even started, anti-war Labor MPs gathered outside Westminster with exiled anti-war veteran, Jeremy Corbyn, to denounce British foreign policy.

Many MPs who have routinely voted in favor of the war and occupation of Afghanistan are set for an awkward stand off against anti-war MPs who have been proven right follow Afghanistan’s the latest developments.

British military failures was not the only focus of criticism. Concern over the lack of willingness to help Afghan refugees was expressed too. For the time being, the UK is refusing to recognizes the Taliban’s administration, but have agreed to accept some refugees but only time will tell if Britain will honor this pledge or not.

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