Saeed Pourreza
PRESS TV, London
The UK government is deporting another group of people of Jamaican descent to the Caribbean country. The move has caused an outcry among migrant rights advocates who say the move is unfair and politically motivated.
Another episode in the British Government’s harsh immigration policy: a deportation flight planned for August 11. On board, 19 people of Jamaican origins in this country for up to 30 years now.
The UK Home Office, responsible for immigration calls them foreign offenders, people who have come here and committed crimes and should expect to be removed.
But immigrant rights groups, such as the Movement for Justice, say the move is a reversal of an earlier agreement between the UK and Jamaican governments not to deport people who arrived in the UK as minors.
The British government claims the deportations are everything to do with public safety or protecting victims. But rights campaigners disagree. They say, the move purely racist and political, made by a failing government appealing desperately to its racist base.