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Palestinian refugees in Gaza condemn UNRWA aid cuts

Ashraf Shannon
Press TV, Gaza

Palestinian refugees have staged a protest in the blockaded Gaza Strip against aid cuts by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA. The agency is responsible for the welfare of Palestinian refugees who were displaced and dispossessed upon the creation of the Israeli regime in 1948.

Protesters slammed the agency’s cuts to vital services, especially aid and employment.

UNRWA is already suffering from a huge budget deficit that has forced it to scale back services to Palestinian refugees in recent years. The crisis worsened after the United States suspended its funding to UNRWA in 2018.

The UN agency provides education, health and welfare services to millions of Palestinian refugees in the occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Palestinian refugees also slammed UNRWA’s failure to rebuild their homes following the 2014 Israeli war. During the 2014 war, Israeli forces carried out over 6,000 air attacks in less than two months on heavily populated areas in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Over the past decades, the Israeli regime had been campaigning to defund UNRWA and to end its mandate.

Palestinian refugees say that they have been suffering for more than seven decades because the world has failed to fulfill its obligations towards them as required by international law.

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