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Zionist US casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson financing Trump re-election bid

US President Donald Trump with Sheldon Adelson at the Israeli American Council National Summit in Florida in December 2019. (Photo by Reuters)

Zionist American casino billionaire and ardent supporter of the Israeli regime, Sheldon Adelson, has reportedly written nearly $250 million in checks to back re-election campaigns of US President Donald Trump and Republican Senate and House members, GOP fundraising sources have revealed.

Adelson and his Israeli-born physician wife, Miriam, have already spent a single election record sum of $183 million through October14, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics cited in a Saturday report by the UK-based daily, The Guardian.

According to the report, when Adelson began bankrolling in late summer a new pro-Trump Super PAC (Political Action Committee), dubbed Preserve America, the 87-year-old billionaire and his wife have poured $75 million into its coffers, making them its leading financiers.

Preserve America has so far raised $83.8 million and has been running advertisements attacking Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden as “too weak to lead America.”

Trump impressed Adelson by snubbing Iran

The Trump administration delighted Adelson and other pro-Israel conservatives by transferring the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, adopting a hardline policy against Iran by scrapping the Obama administration’s nuclear accord with Tehran and, most recently, pressuring three despotic Arab states – the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan -- to recognize the Israeli regime.

In May 2018, the day before Trump announced US intent to pull out of Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran, Adelson came to Washington for a private meeting with Trump and other top officials, including Mike Pence and then national security adviser John Bolton, who maintained good ties with Adelson.

Adelson and his Israeli wife have developed close relations with Trump largely based on their identical outlooks on pro-Israel and hawkish Middle East policies.

Sheldon and Miriam Adelson have further donated $50 million to a Super PAC called the Senate Leadership Fund, which is managed by close allies of Republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and has so far raised over $308 million to keep the elite congressional chamber in Republican control.

Adelson, whose net worth is estimated to be nearly $32 billion by Forbes Magazine, has long been the top bankroller of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), a right-wing pro-Israel lobbying group whose board he sits on.

This is while the RJC is on track to spend a record $10million this year to help persuade American Jewish voters in a number of the so-called battleground states, including Florida and Pennsylvania, where the group hopes its ads and get-out-the-vote efforts can help Trump emerge victorious again, as he did in 2016.

Dark money donations

According to the report, the Adelsons typically donate much of their money late in election cycles, and historically give a mix of publicly disclosed checks, and others to dark money outfits which remain secret.

The two Republican sources who indicated Adelson’s total spending would reach $250million, did not, however, identify where the additional tens of millions of dollars were going, or if these funds have already been donated to non-profit dark money groups which don’t require public disclosure.

Furthermore, Adelson has also written big checks for a number of Super PACs backing Senate Republicans facing difficult races, including hawkish South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been a staunch supporter of the Tel Aviv regime. The casino tycoon has also donated $1 million to the pro-Graham PAC, called Security is Strength.

The Adelsons have also donated $40 million to the Congressional Leadership Fund, a Super PAC that backs House Republican candidates; the PAC’s fundraising depends heavily on ex-senator Norm Coleman, who is known for his close Adelson ties.

During the 2018 mid-term elections, the Adelsons also donated $124 million overall to Republican Super PACs, campaign committees and candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP).

Democrat Michael Bloomberg 2nd biggest election donor 

Meanwhile, the second biggest donor in this election cycle behind the Adelsons, has been his fellow Zionist and New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg from the Democratic Party who has so far spent $107 million, much of it on ads in Florida to help Biden’s presidential effort, CRP data shows.

Adelson’s huge donations, the report adds, have occurred even as his casino empire, which stretches from Las Vegas to Asia, has seen its revenues decline significantly this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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