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China ready to work with Russia to preserve WWII victory: President Xi

President Xi Jinping of China meets with his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin, in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, on November 13, 2019. (File photo by Xinhua)

Chinese President Xi Jinping says China is ready to work with Russia to firmly safeguard the victory of the Second World War and protect justice and fairness in the world.

President Xi made the remarks in an exchange of messages with his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of WWII victory on Thursday.

Xi said that China and Russia had offered great national sacrifices and made historic contributions to the victory of WWII and laid a solid foundation for the high-level development of their bilateral relations.

The Chinese president said he was ready to work with President Putin to take the 75th anniversary of the victory of the WWII as an opportunity to lead their countries toward deeper strategic coordination.

Roles as permanent members of UNSC

He stressed that as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, China and Russia shouldered the task of safeguarding global peace and development.

President Xi suggested that the two sides join efforts with the international community to maintain and implement the principles of multilateralism. 

President Putin, for his part, said that WWII was the most painful tragedy in human history, recalling the national sacrifices that both China and Russia made for complete victory over aggressors.

President Putin also said that the two countries forged a profound friendship as comrades-in-arms, adding that that spirit of mutual assistance was continuously being carried forward and enhanced, helping the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership expand.

Russia, he said, is willing to continue making active efforts with China to prevent war and conflicts and safeguard global stability and security.

Every year, Russia celebrates the Soviet Union’s World War II victory over the so-called “Axis” powers. This year, celebrations had to be rescheduled from their original date on May 9 due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

In June, Russia held a massive military parade in Moscow’s Red Square to celebrate its annual Victory Day, with the participation of an estimated 14,000 Russian troops, as well as tanks and aircraft.

Under coronavirus-related restrictions, access to Red Square and the president was limited, however.

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