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On India’s Independence Day, Kashmir keeps resilient

Indian paramilitary personnel stand guard along a street as India celebrates its 74th Independence Day, which marks the end of British colonial rule, in Srinagar on August 15, 2020. (Photo by AFP)

Shahana Butt
Press TV, Kashmir


In Indian-controlled Kashmir, streets wore a deserted look; barbed wires and barricades stretched across roads and people stayed completely indoors as India celebrated its 74th Independence Day.

On Friday, ahead of the Independence Day, two local cops were killed in an attack in the city of Srinagar. Police said they would punish the perpetrators.

In August 2019, India unilaterally stripped Kashmir’s autonomy and divided the region into two parts. New Delhi says the move was aimed at mainstreaming Kashmir with the rest of India to bring equal opportunity, justice and development to the people of Kashmir.

Today, as Indians celebrate the anniversary of the independence of their country, one question remains. That is, why the people of Kashmir lock themselves inside, instead of participating in this ceremony?

Some say people of Kashmir have become more alienated following the abrogation of their region’s special status.

New Delhi has upped security in and around Kashmir, following normalizing the abrogation of Article 370 last year. They have also succeeded in neutralizing the majority of pro-freedom groups in Kashmir.

All the Independence-Day ceremonies were canceled in and around Indian-controlled Kashmir in line with guidelines related to covid-19. Authorities also suspended the slow-speed 2G internet services across Kashmir, fearing more attacks.

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