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Trump leaves NATO summit after being insulted by Canadian PM

President Donald Trump meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Winfield House, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019, in London. (Photo by AP)

Robert Inlakesh
Press TV, London

Following US President Donald Trump’s address to this year’s NATO military alliance summit on Wednesday, Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau was caught on camera, alongside fellow world leaders, seemingly mocking Donald Trump.

After days of visible tension and the trading of verbal blows between NATO member allies, bringing the very functionality of the alliance into question, this secret recording has sparked yet another division. The latest comments prompting another verbal altercation, followed up by the US President.

During Trump’s 40-minute speech, he asserted that NATO members were obligated to pay 2% of their budgets into NATO, when they are not legally obligated to do so. Also present alongside Justin Trudeau as he made his comments was UK Prime Minister hopeful Boris Johnson and France’s Emmanuel Macron . Whilst Macron was quite comfortable earlier on during the NATO summit criticizing Trump, Boris Johnson denied that he heard criticism of Donald Trump.

The underlying significance of such arguments between NATO member allies throughout the summit is the outlining of the divisive role played by the Trump administration in such world alliances, alongside the outstanding disagreements between allies on trade, foreign policy and the JCPOA agreement, which the US unilaterally withdrew from last year.

But could this three day NATO summit, marking 70 years since the alliance's formation, be an indication of more tensions to come, as Donald Trump angrily canceled his press conference today ending the summit with an abrupt departure back to the United States.

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