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Saudi acts as front-line troops for US, Israel in Yemen: Analyst

A Yemeni collects items amidst the rubble of a destroyed building following Saudi airstrikes on the capital Sana’a on October 8, 2016. (Photo by AFP)

A 72-hour ceasefire went into effect in Yemen on Wednesday to allow humanitarian aid to reach families trapped in areas cut off by the war in the impoverished Arab country. Saudi Arabia continued its deadly airstrikes against civilian sites in Yemen despite the UN-brokered truce.

An analyst told Press TV that the Saudis are basically acting as the “front-line troops” for Israel and the United States, adding that they are trying to prevent Yemen from becoming an independent state.  

“What they [the Saudis] are desperately trying to prevent is a repeat of 1979 when the Iranians overthrew a Western-backed dictator and established what has been now the most stable Islamic country in the Middle East now for over 30 years,” said Mark Glenn, a member of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement.

“These forces are desperate to make sure that this does not repeat itself in Yemen or anywhere else in the Middle East because the day that this true Islamic Spring (Awakening) takes place in the Middle East, you will see the end of Israel, you will see the end of Western and American hegemony in the region and you will see true independence and freedom for the people in that part of the world who have desperately deserved and needed it for so long,” he added.  

Glenn further noted the United Nations as a “functionary” of the West is just going to sit and make some noises while Saudi Arabia slaughters innocent Yemenis.  

“The United States, the UN, the West, they engage in this on a regular basis of making noises that appear that the rule of law, whether it is national or international, guides their actions when in fact these various gangster enclaves engage in their murderous gangster business in an attempt to perfume over all of this with nice, legalistic talk,” he stated.

More than 10,000 people have lost their lives since Saudi Arabia launched its military campaign in March 2015 in an attempt to undermine Ansarullah and reinstate Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, who has resigned from his post as the country's president.

The Saudi regime has a long record of truce violations during the war.


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