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Colombia’s FARC rebels threaten to oust members opposing new truce

Colombian retired General Jorge Mora (L) greets FARC-EP Commander Rodrigo Granda (R) during the ceasefire ceremony between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrilla in Havana on June 23, 2016. ©AFP

Commanders of Colombia’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC) have warned its dissenting member of the rebel group that they will be ousted by the movement if they boycott a truce deal with the government.

The Friday warning was issued following reports that a number of FARC members intended on ignoring the peace deal being negotiated with the Colombian government in the capital Bogota.

“Declaring oneself beyond the authority of the leadership places the person who does so outside” the force, FARC commanders declared in a statement.

The statement further emphasized that those who disregard the truce and refuse to demobilize will be banned from using the FARC’s “name, weapons and goods.”

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos threatened earlier in the week that FARC rebels who refuse to demobilize will be annihilated by the Colombian military forces.

Colombians celebrate at Botero square in Medellin after the signing of the ceasefire between the government and FARC rebels in Havana, on June 23, 2016. ©AFP

“I assure you, they will end up in the grave or in jail,” Santos stated during a speech.

The 7,000-strong rebel force signed a ceasefire and disarmament pact with the Latin American government in June at peace talks in Cuba last month.

Bogota further expressed optimism about achieving a comprehensive peace agreement with FARC within weeks.

The bloody conflict in Colombian began in the 1960s as a rural uprising for land rights that led to the establishment of the leftist revolutionary force.

The insurgency has left 260,000 people dead, 45,000 missing and nearly seven million local residents displaced, according to official statistics.

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