Press TV has interviewed Mike Billington, with the Asia desk at the Executive Intelligence Review in Leesburg, about the United States imposing more sanctions against Russia for supporting the Syrian government.
The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
Press TV: The Russian official there is saying that Russia is not sure why these fresh punitive measures have been placed on it. What do you make of it?
Billington: Well ... I mean this is a situation where Mr. Lyndon LaRouche yesterday issued a statement immediately after the take down of the Russian jet, making clear that this was an act of war and that are contacts within the American intelligence community confirm that there is no way that Erdogan could have carried out that terrorist act of war against the plane which was absolutely no threat to Turkey, whether or not it crossed into Turkish airspace without full support from Obama and that this was Obama’s responsibility.
He did it as an effort to destroy the emerging consensus that even his own foreign secretary, foreign minister Kerry had worked out with Lavrov at Vienna which was moving towards a peaceful solution to this situation over time without the demand as Obama repeats over and over again that ‘Assad has to go first’.
That was not the agreement in Vienna. The agreement was for an election after 18 months with Assad having the chance to run for election. The most important point of course is that the take down of this plane and Obama’s having the gall to impose sanctions over selling oil to the Syrian government, the reason that attack took place was that the Russians especially but even the US, but especially the Russians have taken out over a thousand oil tankers who are moving IS controlled oil into Turkey through that region and selling it on the black market in Turkey, just as Turkey has been all along supporting and sponsoring and providing weapons funneled through Saudi Arabia into the terrorist operations within Syria.
So we are acting, we are on the situation here, we are on the brink of the Third World War. People should not play games with this situation. The Russians are being very serious. They are taking it carefully but Obama is threatening nuclear war and he has to be removed from office. There is no choice, not only his crimes of what he did in Libya, what he has been doing in Syria, the drone attacks but we are now watching an outright act of war against Russia in a situation where Russia has exposed the fact that Obama has effectively been supporting the terrorist operations in Syria, favoring the terrorists over his preference for regime change as he did in Libya and he is now doing in Syria.