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Supporting terrorists to backfire on West: Analyst

Kuwaiti security forces stand next to a body wrapped in shrouds as they inspect the site of a bomb attack that targeted the Shia Imam Sadiq (PBUH) mosque during Friday prayers on June 26, 2015, in Kuwait City. (AFP photo)

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ibrahim Mousawi, political commentator in Beirut, to discuss an ISIL bomb attack at Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait City, which killed over two dozen people.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.


Press TV: Well of course this is not the first bombing and the first suicide attack that we have seen but Kuwait has not really been one of the main targets before. How significant is it that this attack has happened in Kuwait now and at a mosque in Kuwait on a Friday?

Mousawi: It is significant in every sense of the word because the ISIL has issued a kind of ultimatum, they issued warnings, they threatened that they are going to target the Shia Muslims all over the Arab Peninsula. We remember and we could see that through all their literature, they always direct their threats to the Muslims actually and when they go and kill Muslims in their mosques, they do not discriminate between a Sunni Muslim and a Shia Muslim.

So far what I want to say here is that the Takfiri groups, ISIL and other Takfiri groups have killed more Sunni Muslims than Shia Muslims. So all these kinds of attempts to plant a wedge among Muslims should not succeed in any way and Kuwait has proved to be mature enough, the leadership, the people have been able to prove that they are wise enough not to give the opportunity to ISIL, to Daesh, to all Takfiri groups to try to plant a wedge among them and between the different facts and factions of Muslims.

We have to understand that Kuwait is not going to be safe after this time through the kind of attack that they started with the mosque. This means that they have started to put into effect their threats. We pray to God that the Kuwaitis would be safe, that Kuwait would be safe but we know very well because they targeted Lebanon and they threatened Lebanon, they targeted Syria, they threatened Syria, they have announced and they have declared the responsibility for the attack on Tunisia. So here you are talking about a kind of worldwide onslaught by the Takfiri groups, that should bring the leadership of the world into their senses if it is happening now in Europe, if it happened yesterday in France it could happen in any other European country, it could happen anywhere in the world.

So this is a kind of warning, this is a kind of ringing the bell for all those who are hesitant, for those who are trying to capitalize over the divisions, who are trying to make use of the Takfiri groups, that is going to target them sooner or later.     

Press TV: Let’s look at what you have just said because you said sooner or later it is affecting more and more people and places and for those who are trying to capitalize on this violence, well let’s look at the roots of this violence.

Many would say that had certain entities, such as the United States, such as Saudi Arabia had not been behind the overthrow of the Syrian government that these groups were actually created in order to overthrow the Syrian government or some would say in order to weaken the Iraqi government, had they not done that we would not be where we are today.

Is there a connection between what originally happened in Syria to try to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad and the extremist elements that we are seeing by ISIL in the region today? 

Mousawi: There is every connection because when you create certain groups and you think that you are smart enough to handle them and to manage them, they will turn over against you later on. So those arrogant countries like the United States and certain European countries when they support, when they finance, when they let go for the terrorists to come to Syria in order to topple the regime as they suggest and as they dream, which is going to be turned as a nightmare for them, I believe that this is going to reverse back, it is going to bounce back against them.

We have been able to see this. Haven’t they studied the lessons of Afghanistan?  They have started the al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda for the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s but it turned out to be responsible for the 9/11 attack in the United States of America. I believe it is time for them to reconsider what they have done, to stop the actions to support these terrorist groups.


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