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South Korea reports 3 more MERS infections

Nurses wear masks to protect themselves against a potential MERS infection as they attend an international conference in Seoul, South Korea, June 19, 2015. (© AP)

Three more people have been diagnosed with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in South Korea, bringing the total number of confirmed infection cases in the recent outbreak in the country to 175.

South Korea’s Health Ministry announced the new cases on Tuesday, but reported no additional deaths.

Two of the three cases contracted the virus at two different hospitals in the capital, Seoul, including the Samsung Medical Center, which is one of the epicenters of the outbreak, according to the Health Ministry.

The third case was a family member of a patient.

A couple wears masks as a precaution against MERS in Seoul, South Korea, June 15, 2015. (© AP)


The South Korean ministry further said that of the 175 confirmed cases, 27 have died, 54 have recovered and been released from hospital while 94 are still being treated. Of the 94 being treated, 16 are on life support.

Almost all of the infections have taken place in South Korea’s hospitals or medical centers, with the World Health Organization (WHO) saying that it had found no evidence of the transmission of the virus outside hospitals.

The outbreak of MERS in South Korea, the largest outside of Saudi Arabia, began on May 20 when a 68-year-old man was diagnosed with the disease after returning from a trip to the Arab country.

MERS was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. The disease is part of the corona virus family of viruses, which includes the common cold and SARS. It can cause symptoms including fever, breathing problems, pneumonia and kidney failure.

There is no known cure or vaccine available for the disease yet.


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