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Crimea faces challenges following rejoining Russia

Crimea faces challenges following rejoining Russia

Marina Kortunova
Press TV, Moscow

A ceremony has been held in Moscow to celebrate the 1st rejoining anniversary of Crimean Peninsula to the Russian Federation. A high-ranking delegation from the territory was also invited to Moscow to elaborate on the significance of the political event.

According to Dmitry Kiselyov, head of "Russia today" news channel, the world looks to Crimea as a miniature for Russia: the Peninsula is a model of Russia, which should meet the people’s expectations. Russian economist Sergey Glazyev outlined a number of tasks that need to be solved:

Considering the crisis and the deterioration of macroeconomics, the economist advised not to rely solely on the state aid and proposed the establishment of the Crimea Development Corporation to attract non-state appropriations. He emphasized the importance of clearing blockages in the credit and financial system of the peninsula in Ukrainian banks.

This is the largest bridge in Moscow - ‘the Crimean’.

It has a symbolic significance: In his speech to the nation, Vladimir Putin said that the theme of Crimea is not just a question of territory but also a spiritual root that makes Russia a nation and the state".

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