Religion7 months ago
The Millennial Festival: Mashhad
This episode takes us to the bazaars, museums and historical sites in the holy city of Mashhad, Iran. It shows us some of the main cultural and religious rituals in this city, and a secret it shares with Qom and Shiraz.   
The Millennial Festival: Mashhad
Religion7 months ago
The Prophet
All great religions in the world have promised the emergence of the last prophet. But who the last prophet of God is? That's the question.
The Prophet
Viewpointone year ago
US-led military occupation, not religion, caused Afghan women’s misery
It is important to understand how to understand how suffering in Afghanistan, and especially the suffering of Afghan women is expressed through the judgment of their religion and culture, excluding the political, economic, and historical factors.
US-led military occupation, not religion, caused Afghan women’s misery
Viewpointone year ago
Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s 1989 letter as world bids adieu to Gorbachev
To many political pundits, analysts, spiritual men, and religious scholars, Mikhail Gorbachev’s name brings to mind a historic letter the founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini wrote to him in Jan. 1989
Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s 1989 letter as world bids adieu to Gorbachev
Society3 years ago
Millennials in US turning away from religion due to rightwing politics
Gallup has noted gradual decline in religiousness in the US since 2000, sliding below 50 percent for the first time this year.
Millennials in US turning away from religion due to rightwing politics
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