Israeli ship
Politics5 months ago
Iran rejects UK accusations of involvement in Red Sea attacks
Iran rejects accusations by the UK regarding the Islamic Republic’s involvement in Yemeni attacks on Israeli ships in the Red Sea.
Iran rejects UK accusations of involvement in Red Sea attacks
Feature6 months ago
Devil in deep sea: Bab-el-Mandeb Strait becomes too tight for Israeli vessels
Yemen's Ansarallah resistance movement on Sunday seized an Israeli cargo ship and detained dozens of its crew members in the Red Sea.
Devil in deep sea: Bab-el-Mandeb Strait becomes too tight for Israeli vessels
Reports6 months ago
Yemeni Army plans more operations in Red Sea amid genocide in Gaza
The Yemeni Army captured an Israeli ship in the Red Sea.
Yemeni Army plans more operations in Red Sea amid genocide in Gaza
Yemen6 months ago
Yemeni forces seize Israeli ship in Red Sea, detain 52 crew onboard
The crew were under investigation and their nationalities were being verified by the relevant Yemeni agencies.
Yemeni forces seize Israeli ship in Red Sea, detain 52 crew onboard
Palestine2 years ago
'Resistance front exposed Israel's vulnerability in tanker attack'
The retaliatory attack on an Israeli-managed oil tanker vessel shows that the resistance front enjoys “resources and the technology that can expose Israel’s vulnerability in the region,” a journalist says.
'Resistance front exposed Israel's vulnerability in tanker attack'
Palestine2 years ago
‘Impunity will embolden Israel to continue aggression’
A political commentator believes Israel would continue its killing spree if it faces no reaction.
‘Impunity will embolden Israel to continue aggression’
Politics3 years ago
Video reveals Israel’s lies about Iran’s involvement in ship incident
The footage shows that the holes created in the sides of the Israeli ship were not created by an external attack.
Video reveals Israel’s lies about Iran’s involvement in ship incident
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