Syria2 years ago
Russia: Syria air defenses shot down 16 of 22 Israeli missiles fired at Hama
The Russian military says Syrian air defense units have destroyed 16 of 22 Israeli missiles targeting the Arab country’s western-central province of Hama with Russian-made surface-to-air missile systems.
Russia: Syria air defenses shot down 16 of 22 Israeli missiles fired at Hama
Politics3 years ago
Iran urges UN to force Israel to join Chemical Weapons Convention
Iran’s UN ambassador says pressure must be exerted on the Israeli regime in order to force it to join the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Iran urges UN to force Israel to join Chemical Weapons Convention
Syria3 years ago
Syria to UN: Israel occupation of Arab lands threatens regional stability
Syria’s UN envoy says the Israeli regime’s occupation of Arab territories poses serious threats to the regional stability and security.
Syria to UN: Israel occupation of Arab lands threatens regional stability
Syria3 years ago
Syrian air defense thwarts Israeli aggression, destroys missiles
Syrian air defense units confront an Israeli missile attack in the skies over the western province of Hama.
Syrian air defense thwarts Israeli aggression, destroys missiles
Syria3 years ago
Syria condemns recent terror attacks on civilians in Hama, Dayr al-Zawr
Syria condemns in the strongest terms the recent deadly terror attacks in Hama and Dayr al-Zawr provinces.
Syria condemns recent terror attacks on civilians in Hama, Dayr al-Zawr
Syria3 years ago
Syria air defenses repel Israeli strike on Hama
Syrian air defenses thwart an Israeli strike on the western-central province of Hama, shortly after repelling similar attacks elsewhere in the country.
Syria air defenses repel Israeli strike on Hama
Palestine3 years ago
Hamas: Israel attacks on Syria instigated by US bullying
Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem says the Israeli regime’s acts of aggression against Syria are being fueled by the bullying and coercion of the United States.
Hamas: Israel attacks on Syria instigated by US bullying
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