Palestine3 years ago
Israel to push Biden administration to go easy on Saudi Arabia, UAE: Report
Israel reportedly plans to lobby the incoming Biden administration to limit criticism of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt over human rights issues and ongoing war in Yemen.
Israel to push Biden administration to go easy on Saudi Arabia, UAE: Report
Saudi Arabia4 years ago
‘Jailed Saudi royals hire Trump-tied lobbyists to counter MbS’
A handful of prominent jailed Saudi dissidents and their allies are seeking to lobby Washington to confront Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
‘Jailed Saudi royals hire Trump-tied lobbyists to counter MbS’
Palestine4 years ago
Sanders calls Israeli premier Netanyahu a 'reactionary racist'
US Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “reactionary racist.”
Sanders calls Israeli premier Netanyahu a 'reactionary racist'
Foreign Policy4 years ago
Former US congresswoman now UAE agent in Washington
A former US congresswoman is registered as a foreign agent for the United Arab Emirates.
Former US congresswoman now UAE agent in Washington
Palestine4 years ago
‘Israel uses influence in US, West to get away with crimes’
A political analyst says Israel uses its vast influence in the US and certain other Western states to escape punishment for its crimes against Palestinians.
‘Israel uses influence in US, West to get away with crimes’
Interviews5 years ago
‘American people don’t want war with Iran’
A political commentator says the American public does not want their country to be dragged by the Israel lobby into a war with Iran but may see that scenario pan out nevertheless.
‘American people don’t want war with Iran’
Saudi Arabia5 years ago
US senators paid by Saudi lobby back Yemen war: Study
A new report shows several US republican senators who voted against a recent anti-Riyadh resolution have received campaign contributions from pro-Saudi lobbying groups.
US senators paid by Saudi lobby back Yemen war: Study
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