Pro Palestine
News Bulletin7 months ago
1000s take part in Berlin's biggest pro-Palestine protest yet
Thousands gather in Berlin to take part in a "Free Palestine" protest and to call for an end of the conflict in Gaza.
1000s take part in Berlin's biggest pro-Palestine protest yet
News Bulletin7 months ago
American Jews gather in solidarity with Palestinians in Washington DC
Hundreds of American Jews gather outside the White House to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people.
American Jews gather in solidarity with Palestinians in Washington DC
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
Western double standards on Gaza war
The EU has asked Elon Musk, the owner of X social media platform, to censor info not conforming to Western narrative over the Israeli war in Gaza.
Western double standards on Gaza war
IN-DEPTH7 months ago
South Africans empathize with Palestinians: al-Aqsa Storm
The Palestinian struggle for liberation is one that resonates with South Africans who faced a similar regime, with recent developments in the region highlighting how some have not abandoned their past racist ideals.
South Africans empathize with Palestinians: al-Aqsa Storm
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