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Hezbollah fires squadron of kamikaze drones with 'pinpoint accuracy' at Israeli naval base

Hezbollah says it has fired a squadron of attack drones on an Israeli maritime site

The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah says it has fired a squadron of attack drones on an Israeli maritime site as its anti-Israel operations escalate.

In a statement, the movement said it attacked the Ras al-Naqoura site, ‘accurately’ hitting buildings used by Israeli officers and soldiers, causing confirmed casualties and destroying part of the site. ‏

The statement said the operation was carried out in support of the steadfast Palestinian resistance fighters in Gaza, and in response to the Thursday Israeli attack on the Lebanese town of Derkiva, that killed a Hezbollah member.

In separate statements, the movement said it also fired rockets at the Ruwaisat al-Qarn and Zibdin sites in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms and also the Ramtha and Al-Samaqa sites in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills.

The movement has been launching anti-Israel operations since October 8, a day after the Gaza resistance launched its Al-Aqsa Storm operation in reaction to escalated Israeli violence against Palestinians under the extremist cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu and repeated desecrations of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hezbollah escalated its anti-Israel operations last week after the regime killed a senior commander of the movement, Taleb Sami Abdallah.

Concerns have been growing over the past week about a wider conflict in the region as some Israeli officials have threatened to launch a war on Lebanon. 

On Tuesday, the Israeli military said that plans for an offensive in Lebanon "were approved and validated."

The same day, Hezbollah published a video showing drone footage it recorded over northern parts of the Israeli-occupied territories, including parts of Haifa's city and port.

On Wednesday, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said "no place" in the Israeli-occupied territories would "be spared our rockets" in a war, and also threatened Cyprus with attacks in case it assists an Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

On Thursday, Hezbollah said it fired dozens of rockets at an Israeli barracks in the northern part of the Israeli-occupied territories in retaliation for a deadly air strike in south Lebanon.

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