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Gaza hospital mass graves

Palestinian medical teams have discovered a third mass grave at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City amid Israel’s continued genocidal onslaught in the coastal strip. The latest discovery brings to seven the number of mass graves unearthed so far in the Gaza Strip. Earlier, three mass graves were also found at Nasser Hospital in the southern city of Khan Yunis, and one inside Kamel Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza. Over 5-hundred bodies have been exhumed from those graves. Some discovered bodies were dismembered and were not identifiable. Also the mass graves contained some people stripped naked with their hands tied. Meanwhile, the Hamas resistance movement says finding of the mass graves is another sign of Israel’s brutality and genocide. The movement called on international organizations to document these crimes and take action against Israel.

US-Israeli genocide in Gaza

The US president has issued a blunt warning to Israel, saying his administration will stop supplying weapons if the regime pushes ahead with an offensive against the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Joe Biden made the remark in an interview with CNN. He also acknowledged that the civilians in Gaza were killed by US-supplied bombs. However, he toned down his threat by saying that the US government is not walking away from Israel’s security but from the regime’s ability to wage war in those areas. Last week, the Biden administration hinted about halting arms to Israel, arguing they might cause civilian casualties in overcrowded Rafah. Washington has backed Tel Aviv with massive military aid since the regime launched its genocidal war on Gaza. But the Israel’s attack on Rafah in defiance of international calls has angered many countries, including its key allies, the US and Europe. Meanwhile, Israel called Biden’s threat on stopping arms disappointing. 

Student divestment campaign

Pro-Palestine students at Ireland’s prestigious Trinity College have ended their protests after the campus authorities accepted their demand to divest from the Israel-linked companies. The students had been camping on the college premises in Dublin since last Saturday to demand divestment from Israel, echoing calls on US campuses. They had also blocked a library housing a gospel which is a major tourist attraction. The students agreed to end their encampment after the management promised a complete divestment from companies that are associated with Israel’s illegal activities on the occupied Palestinian territories. The president of the college union has hailed the authorities for heeding to the students’ demand. 

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