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Two Palestinians killed

Resistance movements have offered their condolences to the Arab nation over the killing of two Palestinians by Israeli forces. Hamas has called for a confrontational approach, vowing that the Palestinian nation will continue to defend itself in the face of the Israeli enemy. And the Islamic Jihad has confirmed that the two Palestinian victims were among its senior commanders. The Israeli military killed Na’im Jamal al-Zubaidi and Muhammad Ayman al-Sa’di during an early morning raid at a refugee camp near the occupied West Bank city of Jenin. Israel has intensified its deadly crackdown against Palestinians recently. The regime’s forces have killed nearly 210 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip since the beginning of this year.

China Covid response

China appears to be easing some of its Covid rules, after public frustration with the restrictions led to protests in several cities. Local authorities in the southern city of Guangzhou have partially lifted a weeks-long lockdown, despite seeing record cases. Some rules have also been relaxed in the central city of Chongqing. Meanwhile the government has signaled that more loosening of Covid measures could be on the way. The vice premier has said that with the virus now weakening, new plans are needed to fit the situation. Protests broke out in several parts of China last week, after a fire at an apartment building in the Xinjiang region killed 10 people. The demonstrators have blamed the government lockdowns for the deaths, but Beijing denies that, saying those linking the fire to Covid rules have ulterior motives.

South Korea truckers stike

South Korean transportation strike action widens this week as truckers are ordered back to work by President Yoon Sukyeol. Truckers are demanding the extension of a fair freight wage system agreed three years ago and extended in the spring. The president has threatened striking drivers with fines and jail sentences.

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