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Afghans believe nations falling victim to US policies

Rahmatullah Baghban
Press TV, Kabul

When it comes to NATO’s support and American leadership, we have better ask Afghans. They have the experience of twenty years of western forces’ presence in their country. Afghans had counted on western powers at the beginning but what the US and its allies really bought for Afghanistan?

Sayed Baqer kazimi was an advisor to the former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani. He believes Ghani’s government easily collapsed because he trusted the US and relied on NATO forces.

Some Afghan experts also blame crises in Ukraine on the US, saying nations are falling victim to the US policies of creating war and terror.

After twenty years of invasion, the US and its allies hastily abandoned Afghanistan in mid-August last year. Today the country is dealing with the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Afghans are critical of US policies and its legacy on their soil. They consider trusting the US as a big mistake that no country should ever make it.

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