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Chinese astronauts complete first extravehicular activities for space station construction

Screen image taken at Beijing Aerospace Control Center on July 4, 2021 shows Chinese astronauts conducting extravehicular activities (EVAs) out of the space station core module Tianhe.

Chinese astronauts have completed extravehicular activities (EVAs) and returned to the space station core module Tianhe, said the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) on Sunday. 

The first EVAs during the construction of the country's space station were a complete success, the CMSA declared. 

The Shenzhou-12 spaceship crew, after approximately 7 hours of extravehicular operations, have completed all the scheduled tasks, and astronauts Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo returned to the space station core module at 14:57 (Beijing Time), according to CMSA. 

Astronaut Nie Haisheng has been staying inside Tianhe to cooperate with Liu and Tang in their EVAs. 

"Report from No. 02. As one of the astronauts that went out of the core module for the first time, I thank all the scientific researchers involved in the researches and experiments, thank all the Chinese people for their support. I will go out of the module again in the following tasks. I will fly higher and the space station will be built bigger. Thank you!" said Liu.

This is the second time that Chinese astronauts have performed EVAs after the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008. 

The scheduled EVAs, including equipment installation and panoramic camera lifting, were accomplished with close coordination between space and the ground, as well as between the astronauts inside and outside of the spacecraft. 

The EVAs tested the performance and function of the new-generation homemade extravehicular mobility units and the coordination between the astronauts and the mechanical arm, as well as the reliability and safety of related EVA supporting equipment. 

This has laid an important foundation for subsequent EVAs for the space station construction, said the CMSA. 

The three astronauts on board the Shenzhou-12 spaceship were sent into space and entered Tianhe on June 17 and have since carried out a number of tasks as planned. 

Currently, they are in good health and will perform EVAs for a second time during their stay in orbit, the CMSA said. 

(Source: Reuters)

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