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Trump wants to maintain control over his followers

US President Donald Trump departs after speaking on the stock market following an unscheduled appearance in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, DC on November 24, 2020. (AFP photo)

By Wyatt Reed

It seems that the main motivation behind Donald Trump's continued insistence that he was the victim of as yet unproven voter fraud conspiracy or an attempt to manipulate the results of the 2020 US election, the motivation for this seems to be really a broad desire to maintain control over his followers, his hardcore supporters that 30 some percent of the population that will really hang on his every word and will believe, more or less, anything he says as long as it is vaguely plausible.

That connection he has is invaluable to his political lifeline and going forward it's what's going to keep him afloat, and not just in terms of internal Republican Party politics but in terms of his own freedom, his own legal security, especially knowing what we do about these ongoing criminal complaints.

The campaign finance crimes that have been alleged, to have been committed by Donald Trump or members of his administration, lawsuits which it’s impossible to say at this point, whether they will ultimately see Donald Trump imprisoned, as much as many liberals, like the idea, it's still beggars belief to imagine that many of those who are so heavily invested in this country's political system would be willing to sort of jeopardizing the legitimacy of that system by throwing a president in jail.

I think that the jury's still out on whether or not those members of the so-called Deep State as Trump refers to them would be willing to take such drastic action. But if we consider that possibility legitimate, there's certainly no reason why Donald Trump would want to give up his claims at this point. Knowing essentially that he would face criminal liability going forward after January if he leaves office.

So really, there's just no reason no motivation for Trump to give up these claims, no matter how spurious they are.

Wyatt Reed is a Virginia-based activist and journalist who covers climate and racial justice movements and foreign policy issues. He recorded these remarks for Press TV website.

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