UK PM to meet top EU officials in search of an improved Brexit deal

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street in London on February 5, 2019. (AFP photo)

British Prime Minister Theresa May is planning to visit the European Union headquarters in Brussels as she desperately seeks to overcome a parliamentary stalemate over her Brexit agreement with the bloc.

May had plans to meet top EU officials in Brussels on Thursday, including European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and then European Council President Donald Tusk.

The reports said May will seek to convince the two men at the helm of the EU that the only way for the bloc and London to finalize a deal on their planned divorce in March would be for Brussels to accept changes to a clause in the agreement which sets out rules and regulations for the management of the Irish border after Brexit.

Lawmakers in the British parliament, where May suffered a historic defeat on her Brexit deal last month, have indicated that if the so-called backstop clause in the draft Brexit deal is removed or drastically changed, it would have a high chance of passing the chamber and become a law.

EU officials have insisted the backstop is not up for negotiation, prompting fears that Britain could leave the bloc on March 29 without a deal.

Many UK politicians have accused the EU of intransigence, saying the bloc would be to blame for the potential economic impacts of a no-deal Brext.

However, German chancellor Angela Merkel, reiterated on Tuesday that the EU and London could reach a compromise in the short time left until the planned departure date.

“From a political point of view, there is still time," said Merkel while in Tokyo, Japan, adding, "That should be used, used by all sides. But for this it would be very important to know what exactly the British side envisages in terms of its relationship with the EU."

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