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 Zionists are behind multi-billion-dollar Islamophobia industry: Scholar  

Dr. Kevin Barrett

Zionists are behind the notorious multi-billion-dollar Islamophobia industry, according to Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance.

Dr. Barrett made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday while commenting on a report which has revealed that US President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, John Bolton, presided over a propaganda organisation that has promoted misleading and false news against Muslims.

Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based advocacy group that tells people that Muslims would take over Europe leading to a “Great White Death,” from 2013 until March 2018, NBC News reported on Monday.  

"Well John Bolton is under fire for having been the chairman of Gatestone institute, which is part of the notorious Islamophobia industry. There have been books written about this. It is a multi-billion dollar industry defaming and attacking Muslims and Islam that sprang up after the September 11 false flags hunt launched the war on Islam for Zionism,” Dr. Barrett said.

“So this multi-billion dollar industry is largely driven by Zionists, both Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists. These groups have been going to great lengths to invent outrageous slanders and slurs against Islam and Muslims and to terrorize Western populations into fighting against Muslims and fearing and hating Islam," he stated.

"The Gatestone institute, where Bolton was chairman, is notorious for inventing these bizarre lies about supposed Muslim invasions of Europe. They have falsely claimed that European cities are full of so-called ‘no-go zones’ governed by Sharia law for only card-carrying Sharia-compliant Muslims allowed to go,” he noted.

“This is of course completely ridiculous and they have grossly exaggerated and distorted crime statistics to try to make it appear that Muslims are a source of violent crime in Europe," he added. 

"In fact the careful statistical analysis of criminality with relation to Islam and other groups were widely carried out by Dr. Javed Jamil in his book ‘Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough’ shows that Muslims are actually doing very well overall compared to non-Muslims on a long list of indicators, including having low-crime rates and specifically lower violence, more intact families, lower divorce rates, lower single parent family rates, lower rates of sexually transmitted diseases and on and on and on,” the analyst said.  

“And almost all of the important social indicators of Muslims considerably outperform non-Muslims over all. And yet this doesn’t of course fit the narrative being that is being pushed by people like Bolton and the Gatestone institute and the other non-profits that are funded to the tune of millions of dollars per year going out and smearing Muslims,” he observed. 

Gatestone is “a key part of the whole Islamophobic cottage industry on the internet,” said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil rights and advocacy group.

He added that Bolton’s association with Gatestone, "and in one of the most powerful positions on the planet, is very disturbing.”

Gatestone is “putting out content that was clearly anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim” disinformation propaganda being spread on social media., said Alina Polyakova, a Brookings Institution fellow who studies far-right populism and disinformation campaigns in the European Union.

Polyakova said it was surprising for several people that Bolton had presided over the group.

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