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Bernie Sanders says Trump agenda is dead if Democrats win midterms

Senator Bernie Sanders argued on Friday that Democratic groups weren’t doing enough to support liberal congressional candidates in 2018. He also declined to make an endorsement in the New York Democratic primary between Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon. (Photo by the The New York Times)

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont predicts that US President Donald Trump’s agenda would be dead if Democrats win a majority in either the House or Senate in the upcoming midterm elections, but also says that the Democratic Party is not doing enough to support liberal non-establishment candidates.  

“If Democrats control either the House or the Senate, Trump’s agenda is dead,” Sanders said during a conversation with New York Times reporters and editors.

“The establishment Democrats are still, I think, looking toward candidates who can self-fund,” the New York Times reported him saying.

Sanders, a progressive independent, had enormous success raising about $230 million in mostly small-dollar and online donations during his 2016 presidential bid easing himself of relying on the Democrat Party’s money.

National Democrats “still have a tendency to believe that more conservative candidates are better positioned to win,” he added pointing to establishment Democrats who assume Conservative Republicans have a better chance to win elections.

Sanders argued that ideas like “Medicare for All” and a higher minimum wage, which he championed in 2016, are increasingly popular and helpful to Democratic candidates.

Commenting on a looming New York Governor race, the specially popular senator among the younger generation of Americans, declined to endorse either incumbent Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo or his challenger from the left, the progressive actress Cynthia Nixon.

Nixon has positioned herself as more of a populist, criticizing Cuomo for his reliance on large donors.

“Governor Cuomo has a strong record, he has done some very good things, obviously there are areas where I disagree with him,” Sanders said. “Cynthia seems to be generating a lot of grass-roots enthusiasm running on a progressive platform.”

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