These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:
US isolation over al-Quds
The United States is increasingly isolated over its recent decision on the status of Jerusalem al-Quds. The international community has voiced its strong opposition to US President Donald Trump’s recognition of the city as Israel’s capital. America’s isolation was highlighted at the UN Security Council on Monday. 14 members of the council including America’s staunchest allies backed an Egyptian-drafted resolution rejecting the establishment of diplomatic missions in Jerusalem. The United States, as expected, vetoed the resolution. Washington stood alone and defiant.
Saudi bombing campaign
The Saudi-led collation appears to have stepped up its attacks against Yemen over the past days. There is not a single day without at least one new report of a deadly air strike on the country. Strikes that are increasingly taking tolls on civilians. The intensification of the Saudi-led attacks on Yemen follows the death of the country’s former president Ali Abdullah Saleh by Houthi resistance fighters earlier this month. Indications show the Saudis are now taking revenge on the Yemenis for the killing of Saleh who had announced a position shift and tried to switch sides with Riyadh before his death. A disproportionate revenge the likes of which the world has seen at the hands of the Israelis when they bombed Palestinians to collectively punish them for the achievements of the resistance.