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Saudi warplanes attack civilian target in Yemen, kill five civilians

Yemeni Houthis carry the body of a man killed by Saudi airstrikes in the capital Sana’a on December 13, 2017. (Photo by AFP)

At least five civilians have been killed when Saudi military aircraft carried out an airstrike against a residential area in Yemen's western province of Hudaydah as the Saudi regime presses ahead with an atrocious military campaign against its crisis-hit southern neighbor.

Local sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said five people lost their lives and ten others sustained injuries on Monday evening, when Saudi fighter jets bombarded a residential building in the al-Tafsah area of al-Khawkhah district.

Saudi military aircraft also carried out two aerial attacks against civilian targets in the Mondabah area of Yemen’s northwestern province of Sa'ada.

Additionally, Saudi warplanes hit a vehicle in the Baqim district, and launched an airstrike in the al-Malahit area of al-Dhaher district.

There were, however, no immediate reports about the number of possible casualties and the extent of damage caused. 

Yemeni sharpshooters kill two Saudi troops in Jizan

Meanwhile, two Saudi soldiers were killed when Yemeni army soldiers and fighters from the allied Popular Committees launched two separate attacks against the kingdom’s southwestern border region of Jizan in retaliation for the Riyadh regime’s campaign against the impoverished Arab country.

An unnamed military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Arabic-language al-Masirah television network that Yemeni snipers fatally shot a soldier in the al-Dokhan military base of the region, located 967 kilometers southwest of Saudi Arabia's capital Riyadh, on Monday afternoon.

Yemeni sharpshooters killed another Saudi soldier in the al-Karas military base of the same Saudi region.

The artillery units of Yemeni forces also shelled the gatherings of Saudi forces in the Marwah district of Jizan, though no reports of casualties were immediately available.

This picture provided by the media bureau of Yemen's Joint Operations Command shows a medium-range Qaher M-2 ballistic missile.

Furthermore, Yemeni soldiers and Popular Committees fighters fired a medium-range Qaher M-2 ballistic missile at a position of Saudi-backed militiamen loyal to resigned Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf, leaving scores of them dead and injured.

Saudi Arabia has been incessantly pounding Yemen since March 2015 in an attempt to crush the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement and reinstate the former Yemeni president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of the Riyadh regime.

More than 12,000 people have been killed since the onset of the campaign more than two and a half years ago. Much of the Arabian Peninsula country's infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war.

The Saudi-led war has also triggered a deadly cholera epidemic across Yemen.

According to the World Health Organization’s latest count, the cholera outbreak has killed 2,167 people since the end of April and is suspected to have infected 841,906.

A Yemeni father carries his child suspected of being infected with cholera, as he waits to be seen at a hospital in the Yemeni coastal city of Hudaydah on November 5, 2017. (Photo by AFP)   

On November 26, the United Nations children’s agency (UNICEF) said that more than 11 million children in Yemen were in acute need of aid, stressing that it was estimated that every 10 minutes a child died of a preventable disease there.

Additionally, the UN has described the current level of hunger in Yemen as “unprecedented,” emphasizing that 17 million people are now food insecure in the country.

It added that 6.8 million, meaning almost one in four people, do not have enough food and rely entirely on external assistance.

A recent survey showed that almost one third of families had gaps in their diets, and hardly ever consumed foods like pulses, vegetables, fruit, dairy products or meat.

More than 3 million pregnant and nursing women and children under 5 also need support to prevent or cure malnutrition.

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