These are some of the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:
Israel wants the Syrian war to continue
Fresh indications have emerged that foreign players are already deepening their involvement in the Syrian conflict. Reports said last week that the United States had airlifted Arab and Kurdish fighters to the front lines against Daesh Takfiri terrorists in northern Syria. The unprecedented deployment also involved America’s first use of attack helicopters and artillery in the conflict which is already in its 6th year. And analysts say this suggests the administration of US President Donald Trump is taking an increasingly aggressive approach toward the war on Syria. Trump’s objective appears to be fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorists. But only time will tell if he has already drawn a plan to include a regime change in Damascus.
Not if…. But when
It was only a matter of time. Not if, but when the UK would be subjected to a terrorist attack. Not since the 7/7 bombings in London has the UK been victim to an act of violence targeting innocent people. Following similar horrendous acts of violence throughout Europe on the same scale, the UK has now seen the same fate as France, Germany and Belgium. The so-called Islamic State or Daesh have claimed responsibility for the incident that has left 1 police officer dead, 3 civilians and the attacker. Many more were injured, including 3 police officers that are still in a critical condition.
US widening scandal
US President Donald Trump’s team has been facing accusations of collusion with Russia since the very beginning of his term in office. For instance, Michael Flynn was forced to resign as US national security adviser last month over allegations that he discussed American sanctions with Moscow’s envoy before his own appointment. And Attorney General Jeff Sessions seems to have had a narrow escape from Russia-related investigations. Both the White House and the Kremlin have repeatedly denied claims of collusion as baseless.