US protesters have been allowed to use National Park Service land to hold a protest rally against the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, according to a major federal land agency. The announcement came a few hours after the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, a civil rights group based in Washington DC, threatened to sue if the permits were not issued by Friday. Trump’s swearing-in ceremony is going to be held on January 20. The latest Gallup poll is consistent with prior surveys showing Trump having a much lower favorable rating than former incoming presidents.
Vincent Emanuele, a writer and activist from Michigan, says the United States is being threatened by the menace of radicalization both from the society and the administration.
America is “going into a period that is going to be extremely radical not only from the bottom-up ... but also the kinds of policies that Trump and the Republicans are already talking about and trying to pass and trying to block today,” Emanuele told Press TV on Thursday night.
The radicalization of the American society and political arena poses “a great threat to vast majority of people,” he noted.
According to the activist, since the situation in the US is being radicalized, the American people “can no longer simply ask for permission” to hold protest rallies during the Trump administration.
He further touched upon the concern of the political elite who are scared of radical moves by protesters, militant actions against the government and civil disobedience, saying that the politicians feel such moves are “direct threat to the state apparatus.”
Pointing to America’s initial objection to protest rallies during Trump’s inauguration day, he said, Washington does not want people in the US and throughout the world to know that there are more Americans who oppose Donald Trump than those who support Donald Trump.
He also referred to the role of the mainstream media to “normalize Trump” and his administration, "who are some of the worst individuals within the beltway of some of the most powerful and evil corporations in the world.”
The whole process of inauguration of Trump as the next president is a “symbolic” move to show everything is OK in the United States, while the authorities are worried about the presence of ordinary people who are rightfully scared of Trump’s presidency, he said.
Trump’s election campaign had been marred by his disparaging remarks against minorities in the US. His comments include a call to ban all Muslims from coming to America as well as stopping Mexican migrants by building a long wall along the US-Mexico border.