Shopping mall in China opens "husband nursery" for men to relax

A shopping mall in China has opened a 'husband nursery' area for men to rest and relax.

Some men hate going on long shopping sprees with their wives. Now one mall in China has come up with a novel solution to this popular problem.

A shopping mall in Shanghai has opened a ‘husband nursery’. It is a place designed for men to take shelter from the slog of shopping while their wives continue to purchase.

Men can watch TV, read magazines and newspapers, sleep in comfortable armchairs or sit in a massage chair. It is not clear yet if tired husbands have to pay for using the area. Most people have welcomed the idea and find it necessary.

According to a recent study, the average man gets bored after 26 minutes of shopping. 80 percent of men hate shopping with their wives and 45 percent of them avoid it at all costs.

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